2010年9月13日 星期一

A New World Since Lehman's Fall 雷曼破產兩週年 危機陰影難退

Two years after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. collapsed into bankruptcy, the impact of the financial crisis can be seen on almost every market around the globe.

在雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)陷入破產保護的兩年後﹐這場金融危機的影響在全球各地的每個市場幾乎隨處可見。

The preference of investors for reliable income streams from bonds of all types has led to big rallies in both safe-haven U.S. Treasurys and risky 'junk' bonds, even amid a chorus of warnings about a 'bond bubble.'


But many stock markets, most notably in the U.S., haven't reclaimed losses suffered since Lehman filed for bankruptcy on Sept. 15, 2008. The Dow Jones Industrial Average remains more than 900 points below its pre-Lehman level.


U.S. financial stocks, at the epicenter of the crisis, remain nearly a third lower than where they were two years ago. And, since August 2008, investors around the world have pulled $203 billion out of developed-market stock funds, according to EPFR Global. That is 8.5% of the $2.4 trillion in developed-market stock funds at the time.

處於這場危機中心點的美國金融股依然較其兩年前的水平低近三分之一。據追蹤基金業的EPFR Global﹐自2008年8月以來﹐全球投資者從發達市場的股票基金中撤出了2030億美元。這相當於發達市場當時2.4萬億美元股市市值的8.5%。

Instead, investors are gravitating toward emerging markets. That isn't because they want to take on risk. Those economies, with lower debt levels and strong outlooks, are now seen as having taken on the role of driving global economic growth from the developed economies.


At the same time, investors have bid up gold prices by 64% as they seek out insurance against another financial crisis and protection against the potential long-term inflationary impact of big budget deficits and super-low interest rates put in place to revive battered economies.


Whether it is because of the sheer magnitude of the financial crisis, a lost decade for stock investors or the significant level of government intervention in the economy and financial markets, investors -- who usually have short memories -- continue to see Lehman's shadow.


'The failure of Lehman Brothers is still very much present,' says Jason DeSena Trennert, chief investment strategist at Strategas Research Partners. When it comes to investor psychology, he says, 'it's hard to overestimate its importance.'

市場研究機構Strategas Research Partners首席投資策略師特瑞納特(Jason DeSena Trennert)說﹐雷曼倒閉的影響當前依然存在。在對投資者心理的影響方面﹐他說﹐它的重要性怎麼說都不為過。

The stock market's current malaise contrasts with the aftermath of other crises. Two years after the 1987 market crash, the Dow was 400 points higher than it had been on the Friday before Black Monday, a gain of 20%.


Recently, there have been hints that investors are less enamored of bonds and tiptoeing back into stocks. The Dow has gained 4.5% this month to 10462.77, as a string of better-than-expected economic data has eased fears about a double-dip recession. The 10-year Treasury note has tumbled, pushing its yield up from 2.477% to 2.795%.


Given huge government efforts to prop up the economy following the financial crisis, it is harder than usual for investors to get a read on the economic outlook, says Erin Browne, global macro equity trader at Citigroup. That was evident in the collapse of U.S. home sales during June following the expiration of the homebuyers' tax credit.

花旗集團(Citigroup)全球宏觀股市交易員布朗尼(Erin Browne)說﹐鑒於政府在金融危機後大力刺激經濟的舉措﹐投資者現在要預測經濟前景﹐難度就比平時要大了。這從購房者的稅收抵免到期後美國住房銷售在6月份大幅下滑這一事例便可看出。

Usually the markets move in anticipation of the economy's ups and downs, but with the tremendous influence of economic- and monetary-policy stimulus, 'people are unwilling to buy [stocks] ahead of the data,' Ms. Browne says. Instead, 'they're in a 'prove it to me' state.'


The intervention efforts by governments and central banks to prop up economies crippled by the financial crisis have also had a direct impact on markets.


This can be seen in the U.S. mortgage-backed-securities and Treasury-debt markets, where the Federal Reserve has mopped up some $1.55 trillion of debt since March 2009. The Fed's purchases haven't only lifted prices of those bonds but also have driven traditional investors into other markets, helping fuel the rally in corporate bonds.

這一點從美國抵押貸款支持證券和國債市場中可以看出﹐自2009年3月以來美聯儲(Federal Reserve)已經在這裡“消化”了大約1.55萬億美元的債務。美聯儲購買債務的舉動不僅僅提高了這些債券的價格﹐還將傳統投資者引向其他市場﹐在一定程度上推高了公司債。

The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate bond index, formerly the Lehman Aggregate Bond Index, has returned 15.8% since just before Lehman's fall. Treasury debt has returned 12.4% during that time, U.S. investment-grade bonds have returned 24.4%, and junk bonds have returned 31.1%, according to other Barclays credit indexes.


In one largely unexpected effect of the crisis, investors have developed a taste for emerging-market debt. While usually seen as more risky, and thus not intuitively a go-to investment for jittery investors, emerging markets have been sought after for their promise of robust economic growth relative the U.S., Japan and Europe.


Tom Lauricella / Mark Gongloff
